Welcome to Gallery 10!

The Golden Autumn Gallery comprises a huge number of well selected landscape photographs taken in the golden autumn season. All of them have the same idea in mind: presenting the indian summer mood with it's gorgeous play of colours. Most but not all of these high resolution photographs are shot during manifold hiking tours in this beautiful season of the year.

The flamboyant nature with its autumnal clouring, particulary in a mountainous scenery, is what it represents. This unique season of the year is a great opportunity to get these really cool shots.

The gallery is initially populated with the shots taken in the recent years between 2017-2020, further photographs will be added from more hiking trips in the next season.

Most likely further drone shots will also be added. Arial photography enables outstandig views which would not have been possible from a normal perspective. In the photographs presentation mode drone shots are marked in the related caption. Drone shots are perfectly suited for prints up to DIN A2 size. All other photographs are perfect for prints up to DIN A1 size.

All of these photographs have something special in commom: breathtaking views, awesome nature, beautiful panoramic surroundings, strong emotional feelings ...

last update: 2023, november 10th